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The Hero’s Journey: How to Embark on your New Year’s Resolution

Infinite Therapeutic Srvs

happy new year

Calling all heroes! We are approaching the end of this year. We will soon begin the New Year. This is a time of reflection to see what we have learned from this past year and prepare for our next great adventure. Your mission is to permit yourself to dream and take a leap of faith to pursue the desires of your heart and mind. On this journey, you will explore new lands, encounter different people who cross your paths, experience challenges (also referred to as opportunities), and triumph over your conquests. The “Hero’s Journey” is a “map” that outlines the potential “routes (steps)” that you may encounter in your preparation for your new year. The hero’s journey was first coined by Joseph Campbell, a mythologist who wrote The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He studied many world religions and mythological legends to see the common threads they all share. What he was able to observe is that the story we call life is narrated by each individual on an everlasting quest to discover and rediscover themselves. Next year represents your next 12-month journey!


new year sparkle

Let’s enlighten ourselves about the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey:

  1. The Ordinary World- This is the pre-contemplative stage of becoming your hero. Before taking action one must first gain awareness about the current world/reality they are in (“ordinary world”). Acknowledgement is the starting point on the hero’s journey which includes reflecting on your current belief system, the different cultural factors that influence the community you call home, and what your day-to-day typically looks like at this time. This can also be thought of as your current area of comfort/safety.

  2. The Call to Adventure—“Ring Ring, Ring Ring” (“a phone call is coming through” ): After practicing introspection, life invites/beckons us to receive a call to go into the unknown, to move forward from our “ordinary world” into a “special world.” This is the beginning of the decision-making process; the first step is considering whether a change in your life is needed or desired. 

  3. Refusal of the Call—Out of self-preservation, the hero may reconsider or doubt whether to accept the call to begin a new adventure. Change and exploring new territories can induce feelings of fear and apprehension. 

  4. Meeting a Mentor— is when the hero crosses paths with someone who can share their wisdom and expertise with them. Mentors can come in many expected and unexpected forms: elders, religious leaders, family members, professionals, teachers/professors, individuals you serendipitously encounter by chance, and so much more. 

  5. Crossing the Threshold- The “phone begins to ring again in the hero’s heart and mind” that asks them to prepare for the journey. This is the next step in the decision-making process in which the hero decides that they are committed to this journey. They may not know everything that lies ahead, but they know they are choosing to move forward. 

  6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies- While on the journey, the hero will be confronted with life tests (“the dragons”-the challenges/hardships), allies (friends, family members, colleagues, classmates, etc. that are there to support and empower them), and enemies (individuals that intentionally or unintentionally [not maliciously] try to prevent the hero from being successful on their quest. 

  7. Approach to the Inmost Cave- The hero has been traveling on their journey and they reach a pivotal pit stop. The hero approaches a “cave” (the lair that houses our greatest fears). Before the hero decides to enter the cave it can be helpful to pause and reflect. This is what the hero has been preparing and anticipating for even before setting off on the journey. This is where the hero gets to grow in their courage, lean on their allies/resources, and strategize (problem-solve and use knowledge from prior experiences) how they can attempt to vanquish the monster (our fears/obstacles). 

  8. The Ordeal—The hero decides to enter the cave and come face to face with the monster. There is a potential risk (experiencing emotional and mental distress) of getting harmed by the monster. The hero may have moments where they lose hope (e.g., loss of motivation, or feeling incapable) in their ability to defeat the monster. After defeating the monster, the hero begins to notice how they leave the cave differently than how they entered it. There is a change internally within them. 

  9. The Reward- Victory! A treasure (a goal or an objective that one is hoping to accomplish/gain) that the hero sought after is found. By destroying or appeasing the monster the hero has now gained possession of their prize. 

  10. The Road Back- It is time for the hero to return to their home, the ordinary world. There may still be obstacles that the hero must face on their journey back home. This stage of the journey is important for the hero to practice self-reflection on what they have gained (their treasure), and their areas of growth. 

  11. The Resurrection- In the last stretch of the journey, before the hero almost reaches their home they are confronted with one more big challenge (ex. unforeseen circumstances, problems from the past that have resurfaced and need to be tended to, etc.). When the hero faces and conquers the challenge there is a metaphoric “death, and rebirth.” It is a Renaissance moment! When the hero returns home, they bring with them newfound wisdom (ex. knowledge, change in worldview, confidence [feeling capable], etc.).  

  12. Return with the elixir- At long last, the hero has returned to the ordinary world. They have successfully brought the treasure home. They realize that the biggest treasure that was gained was the change that happened internally in their whole sense of being. The hero has constructed a bridge that allows them the freedom to go back and forth between the ordinary and special worlds. Since the hero has had an internal change, it gives them the “power” to confront the daily challenges. 

At any point during this year, you may find yourself having “the call” to go and complete the “hero’s journey.” Remember that you are the hero of your life’s story who has completed many adventures & awaits more adventures to come, and we hope that you have now gained a map (blueprint) of the 12 steps you may experience to prepare and accomplish your new year’s resolutions. For more resources like this, please check out our other tips here  You can always find us at 954-903-1676 for counseling services.


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