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Dealing With Anxiety In Your Christian Faith

Infinite Therapeutic Srvs

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1 Peter 5:7: “Casting all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

Circumstances give us a reason to be anxious and worried. But then what do we do about it? God does not intend for us to live with that. How do we separate what our mind says to worry or fear, from that of what God intends for us? God may not take away the burdensome circumstances, but he can provide a sense of peace when we put our faith in His Godliness. 

Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast"

Part of faith is the clarity that God does not “make” anyone cause hurt or destruction. We are all equipped with free will. Human behavior does not reflect God’s love and devotion to us. Often we worry or feel anxious because a person doesn’t change. And then we question our faith in God. To decide on having faith based on human behavior is erroneous. In the same manner, God does not force you to choose or make daily decisions (think of all the prayers you have made in which you promised not to engage in a behavior moving forward, but then you do anyway), that is your free will at work. And that applies to every human being. 

What God wants is for you to focus on his grace, power, and ability to provide you with a sense of peace and hope in the midst of the storm. 

Luke 8:25: “And Jesus said unto them, Where is your faith?” Jesus' question was a response to the disciples’ fear and lack of trust in his ability to protect them. He used the storm (on the Sea of Galilee) as a teaching moment to demonstrate that even in the face of danger, we can have faith and trust in him. 

If God promises to provide food and nurturance to the birds, why then would he abandon those who are saved by his Grace? 


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Mathew 6:25-34: “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”

Let’s take a look at common areas in our lives that may perpetuate anxiety and influence us to lose focus on our faith. Here are some tips in Dealing With Anxiety In Your Christian Faith:

  • Feeling inadequate. Rather than, understanding that only God is perfect. And therefore, you are free to be silly, awkward, unsure, doubtful, strong, sad, mad, happy, and all of the multi-face realities of human nature. Accepting that NO ONE is perfect (no matter how glossy their social app photos appear), will provide a significant relief in finding joy within your heart and soul. This will encourage a carefreeness to be you, as you gather what God has in store for you and release those things God knows are best left behind.

  • Trying to change things we can’t control. Rather than, accepting as a human, you are not held responsible to control what is not for you to control. And, instead, resting in the assurance, that God is in control. The restlessness that creates a need to control things, tends to influence a solo approach to life. If God is always with you, then you truly are not alone. Picture God’s presence with you. Let your shoulders, back, neck relax knowing he sees beyond your sight and is in control.

  • Trying to predict the future. Rather than, recognizing that this creates a lack of faith in God’s awesomeness and a loving plan for your life. Part of focusing on God’s love is also recognizing that God’s timing will not reflect how quickly you would like things to occur. Often our timing is based on our worry and anxiety. This often leads to decisions that are based on half answers. God sees all things that will create the perfect future for you, and so much greater because it involves God’s grace and wisdom. Now, this doesn't mean that you can’t do anything to help your foals come to fruition; however, it is important to recognize what is in your control and what is out of your control.

  • Fretting over someone’s love or commitment to us. Instead of focusing on someone’s lack of love and attention, focus on God’s magnanimous love for us every second of our lives.

  • Concern about others’ approval of you increases your focus on others. Rather than other people’s approval, focus on God’s will for your life and your strengths and qualities.

  • Perfectionism. Rather than focusing on things being perfect, rest in the assurance that only God is perfect. Luckily you are not a robot. But a feeling, unique, and idiosyncratic human that has its wonderful journey full of mishaps, imperfections, and ongoing growth. Let it be.

  • Overly compensating or placing responsibility for negative results on others, so that others do not see your human flaws, limitations, and personal challenges (as we all have), rather than allowing God to help us focus on how to shift our flaws and barriers, into strengths, growth, freedom, and inner joy that God intends for us!

  • Attempts to please others; saying yes out of worry others are mad at you, to then struggle with resentment, instead of pleasing God’s will for us, and building a richer relationship with his teachings, guidance, and blessings.

  • Focus on another person’s resources, ‘luck,’ glossy pictures on their social media, material possessions, etc., rather than realizing ALL material things can be lost from one day to the next, but God’s love and power to provide for you will never falter.

  • Trying to force another person’s faith or beliefs to agree with your own and believing your distress will be fixed if they mirror your values/principles/ideologies, rather than leaving it to God. Just as you have experienced your path in your Christian faith, so do others have their path. If someone worries you, pray for them! That they are guided, helped, saved, blessed, and protected, as someone once prayed for you!

God gives believers the capacity to lay down their burdens. God’s magnanimous love compares to none. Gather this into your mind, heart, and spirit. Look back on times you could not see past the darkness only to be delivered to light. You are worthy of God’s unlimited belief in you! And so God waits for you to place all your doubts and fears onto him and for you to believe amid all the storms.

Luke 1:37: "For nothing will be impossible with God"

We hope you find some of these teachings from the Bible helpful to guide you in your healing from anxiety. For more tips, please check out our other tips here You can always find us at 954-903-1676 for counseling services.


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