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10 Tips To Increase Your Power of Self-Expression

Infinite Therapeutic Srvs

"To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question" ~ Shakespeare

In our childhood, we all dreamt of reaching the stars. But not the stars above -unless your dream was to be an astronaut, then yes, literally. But even then, stars are millions of light years away. We dreamt of reaching our stars shaped, molded, painted, and directed by ourselves. That was the beauty of our imagination. As adults, our dreams can feel dimmed, unimportant, irrelevant, wishy-washy, or for the artist who looks at stars.

So, is our self-expression any less important? Being able to share our thoughts and feelings is fantastic! It can provide an ongoing outlet that maintains friendships, keeps our work vital, our actions responsible, and our lives functioning well. But what if, beyond the expression of thoughts and feelings, is an important part of ourselves buried deep down that can provide joy and a more spirited existence?

The first part of our lives, during which our brains grew and developed rapidly, was when billions of neurons took their place, building strengths and honing their skills to live a fulfilling life. And, in those early formative years of our brain development was our imagination. Our imaginations filled our hearts, minds, and spirit to believe in the beauty of our expression and its importance. As adults, we convince ourselves that part of us "is for kids" and has no bearing on our success. Yet, many people today experience a sense of loss in knowing their purpose. And turn to drinking, smoking, mindless television watching, gossiping, unhealthy relationships, poor eating habits, or a sedentary lifestyle.

Suppose you engage in any of said behaviors but feel guilty, unhappy, ashamed, or self-loathing. In that case, you are missing a special connection with genuine self-expression.

The following are ten suggestions to get back in the game toward your unique self-expression:

  • Join an adult class. Numerous places offer adult classes for the late bloomer. Search for local and online facilities that offer classes, often providing schedule options for the working adult.

  • Ask a friend to join. As adults, we are likelier to stick to a fun, creative project when we can share the experience with a loved one.

  • Look back at childhood pictures. What moved you back then? Did you dream of caring for animals?

  • Volunteer! Take the initiative and spend time giving back. You can decide where your kind or curious skills can be utilized. You will walk away each time feeling adept in self-expression.

  • Learn a new language. You can begin at home if you feel foreign shyness. Learning a new language activates the brain's left and right hemispheres. Learning anything new leaves a mark on the brain and plausibly creates new neurons. It is highly recommended to keep learning as the years go by!

  • Listen to music! Did you know that listening to music increases blood flow to the brain regions that generate and control emotions? Go for a drive and play your favorite tunes. See where that inspiration takes your self-expression!

  • Write! So you weren't born Shakespeare—big deal. The beauty is that your words have meaning and can inspire someone to smile, feel loved, and be inspired. Did you know that a novice writer activates the visual and speech centers of the brain? So, go for it! Write a self-expression note and mail it to someone special in your life. It can even be a love note to you!

  • Garden. Spending time around plants (nature) can lessen stress signals to the brain, reduce negative thoughts, and increase self-esteem. This feel-good activity is two-fold. It not only beautifies your self-talk but your home as well.

  • Dance your feet into the night! Turn on your favorite tune, lock yourself in the bedroom, or step out onto the balcony and move! Research shows that dancing increases serotonin levels (the feel-good hormone), lowers stress, AND creates new neural connections in the areas of our brain that involve long-term memory, executive functioning (think self-restraint or planning and organizing), and spatial functioning (think imagination).

  • Ask a friend, family member, or co-worker what they like best about you. Whatever it is, use that to create more of what they want. If they say they like how you bake brownies, how well you know the best restaurants, or your ease in concentrating, your humor, your style, listening skills, whatever it may be, use that strength to inspire your movement towards more. More of that thing you do that defines you.

Take your time to find your self-expression. Do not apologize for learning new skills and taking this time for yourself! Take one step at a time. See what shoes fit best. Try on different colors, and play old or new music. Create a new dance move, or recreate an old one. Journal or record your curiosity. It's not work. Just play. Have fun with it. You might surprise yourself!

For more tips, please check out our other tips here: You can always find us at 954-903-1676 for counseling services.

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